Walk Hand in Hand

Walk Hand in Hand

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Passing Clouds

Some of my old snaps of school and colleges brought down memories of past, memories of people who either came for a reason or for a season and impelled me to pen down a few lines on what i call - "Passing Clouds"

Some bring smiles, some left tears
Some give happiness, some took away
Some bring changes, some brought stagnation
Some give love, some gave heartaches
Some bring comfort, some gave a fright
Some give pleasant surprises, some gave shocks 
Some bring hope, some brought disappointment
Some come to stay, others are just "Passing clouds".


  1. perfect title:)n very true... hmmm Clouds come floating into our life, to add color to our beautiful sky n pass by !!!!

  2. Wah Wah.. Deeps u have become a poet.. Great going..
